Go get that job: Why an active job search works better
Written By Nicholas Chong, Director

Go get that job: Why an active job search works better

Job searching can lead to burnout and stress, but it can also result in you landing a great job that would allow you to grow and thrive in your field. As a job hunter, you can take an active approach or passive approach with your job search. While both have merits, actively looking for a job improves your chances, and here’s why.

Establish meaningful connections
Taking an active approach in your job search enables you to expand your network and build strong connections that can uncover leads or get you referrals. You can reach out to recruiters, hiring managers, former colleagues, friends in the industry, or other contacts regarding job opportunities. Be professional when you do so and show them your genuine interest. Even if no job openings come back, you've made valuable connections.

Target jobs and tailor your application
You can find and apply to jobs at companies you want to work for. You can tailor your resume, cover letter, portfolio, and other messages that closely align with the position you’re applying for and the company offering it. Doing this also improves your personal brand. This helps you stand out.

Stay abreast of industry trends and skills development
Staying on top of your job search will help you stay updated on the latest trends in your industry that could impact hiring. Being informed about these insights also allows you to improve your skills and learn new ones that are highly sought after by hiring managers.

Stay motivated throughout the job search
Taking action each day or week gives you a sense of momentum, motivation, and control. It is easy to get complacent or discouraged waiting for jobs to come to you. Maintaining an active search keeps you energized and engaged.

Here are more tips to take a more active approach in your job search:
  • Visit job sites and company job pages for openings. You can then make a list of the ones to apply to.
  • Research companies you want to work for. Preparation can help you land your dream job.
  • Don’t be afraid to follow up after applying.
  • Attend job fairs and industry events to personally connect with employers.
  • Reskill and upskill. Engage in learning and skills programs.

Being active with your job search does not guarantee that you’ll get the job you want. But, taking charge to actively position yourself gets results. Also, there is so much you can learn and gain along the way, things you can share with fellow job seekers.

Our consultants here at Asia Recruit understand how job search can be overwhelming and even frustrating at times. Therefore, we aim to always provide an active yet thoughtful approach to connecting talented individuals like yourself with fulfilling job opportunities.

Author quick BIO:
Nicholas Chong was appointed Director of Asia Recruit, tasked to manage Asia Recruit Melaka and Asia Recruit Johor. He started his journey with Asia Recruit in 2011 as a Senior Recruitment Consultant. His background as an Engineer early on in his career has tremendously contributed to strengthening Asia Recruit team in engineering and technical roles. Presently, Nicholas takes a pivotal role in Asia Recruit Management, to cover the growing markets of contract staffing services.

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